Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Cerbo.
Does Cerbo have lab integrations?
Yes — you can view a full list of the many labs we integrate with here.  Both results-only and bi-directional integrations will push results directly into Cerbo to review and save in the patient's chart. Bi-directional integrations have the added convenience of submitting orders/requisitions electronically.
Can I process credit cards through Cerbo?
Yes! If you use an integrated merchant services option, you will be able to process credit cards, securely store credit cards, run automated subscriptions, and allow patients to pay their balance online. We integrate with Propelr, Bluefin, and Stripe (more details here).
Can I e-prescribe in Cerbo?
Yes! You can e-prescribe standard medications, controlled substances, and compounded medications in Cerbo.
Can patients complete intake forms on the patient portal?
Yes! And we have many pre-made intake forms that you can use for free. You can view a list of our available Patient Portal Forms & Questionnaires here.
How can I transfer financial information from your EHR into my accounting software (e.g., Quickbooks)?
We have robust financial reporting for the accounts receivable (income) side of your clinic operations directly in Cerbo. Clinics that want to have A/R and A/P reporting all in one place (like Quickbooks) will typically make A/R journal entries on a bulk basis in their accounting software using our reports. We currently don’t have a direct integration with accounting software.
Are there automated appointment reminders?
Yes! Patients get an initial email notification, an email reminder, and a text reminder (if they have a cell phone number on file). You can customize the content of these messages, and the timing of the reminders.
Can I post messages/notices for my whole patient base on the portal?
Yes — You can post a notice in the patient portal that everyone logging into the portal will see. If you want to send mass messages, we have a one-way sync (from Cerbo) to a mass-messaging and automated messaging system called ActiveCampaign. More information on that integration can be found here. You can also easily generate a comma-separated list of emails to paste into the third-party mass-emailing system of your choice.
Can I bill insurance in Cerbo?
Not directly within Cerbo. However, Cerbo integrates with a few third-party insurance billing platforms so that billing information automatically syncs one-way from Cerbo to the billing platform. And has other tools – including an EDI insurance claim download file, and built-in HCFA-1500 forms, as well as superbills – for clinics that bill insurance manually or using other platforms than those that we have a one-way sync with. Here is more information on insurance billing options in Cerbo.
Is there a shared library of charting templates?
Not currently. Cerbo includes a powerful templating system that you can use to build out dynamic charting templates. Currently, each clinic builds their own. (And, from our experience, each clinic’s workflow is very different, such that stock templates might be less helpful than anticipated). However, we know that having stock templates could be helpful for many clinics, and it’s a priority request on our future improvements wishlist.
Can patients request appointments through the patient portal?
Yes—you can set up provider (or resource) availability in the EHR and allow patients to request appointments via the portal based on that availability. We can even provide a snippet of code that you can embed directly in your clinic website to allow appointment requests outside of the patient portal (commonly used for prospective patients to request an exploratory call). Note that appointment requests are not automatically added to the applicable calendar, but must be confirmed/ accepted by someone on the clinic side.
A patient smiling, thankful he received quality care.

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