Getting Started

Getting started is as simple as following the steps listed below.

Getting Enrolled

  1. Fill out this Getting Started Form for the practice and primary user.
  2. After confirming with you the subscriptions and services that you want and your start date, we’ll send over our getting started paperwork (subscription agreement, business associate agreement (BAA), order form) for you to review and sign.
  3. Once you’ve signed your paperwork, we’ll assign you an implementation manager who will start coordinating your onboarding process.

Next Steps

Once you’re up and running, we start on configuration and customization! All of the following steps are optional (though some are highly advisable) and you can absolutely be using the system while we’re getting everything configured to fit your needs.

Configure your Server

  1. Send us:
    • A reasonably high resolution copy of your logo.
    • Providers should add their signatures to Cerbo as an early set up step. Any user can add a signature by hovering over their initials in the top menu, and clicking on Change My Signature.
      * This brings up a signature pad, where the signature can be drawn with the mouse, touchpad or on a touchscreen. Using a touchscreen for this step, and a stylus if desired, will yield the best results.
  2. Integrated incoming fax
    • New fax number – let us know the area code you want.
    • Existing fax number – we can generally port your existing fax number (depending upon your current fax carrier, and note that this process can take up to 8 weeks). We will send you the paperwork needed to get this started.

Configure your Patient Portal (if applicable)

  1. Let us know the URL of the website you want us to “white-label” your Patient Portal to match (if different from the website listed on the initial new practice form).
    • About white-labeling: although the Patient Portal is hosted on our servers, we can style it to look like it is part of your website. We don’t actually modify your website in any way. If you want the Patient Portal to be part of your website’s menu structure, or to otherwise link to the Patient Portal from your website, this is something you add on your end.
  2. Intake forms and questionnaires – if you would like your patients to be able to fill out consent forms and questionnaires electronically via the Patient Portal:
    • Let us know if you would like to use any of our existing forms.
    • And/or send us forms you would like to have converted – original format (e.g., MS Word or similar) strongly preferred.

Setting up billing

We have two options for processing payments via the EMR, if this is something that you want:

  1. Stripe: Stripe supports only card-not-present transactions (keyed-in and stored cards), but their rates are good for these types of transactions. If you’d like to set up subscriptions (recurring charges), this is the system you want to use. Stripe set-up instructions.
  2. Bluefin: Bluefin is a more traditional merchant services processor (rates depends on card type and whether the card is present for the transaction) but is a better option if you will often process cards in person (better rates using the card-swiper provided by Bluefin). And in general, we’ve found that Bluefin offers very competitive overall rates. Let us know if you would like to be put in touch with someone at Bluefin for a quote.

Pre-populating Certain Databases

  1. To pre-populate your pharmacy list, provide us with the ZIP codes where you prescribe most often.
  2. Setting up your charge list, supplements list, and inventory: you can set these up on your own once your build is up and running, but if you have something you can export from your accounting, inventory system, etc. into a spreadsheet, we can import these to your build to get you started.
    • Setting up your charge list on your own is done via Admin -> Manage -> Charge List. Help found here.
    • Setting up your supplements list on your own is done via Admin -> Manage -> Alternate Plan Items. Help found here.
    • Setting up your Inventory on your own is done via Admin -> Inventory. Help found here.

Other Configuration/Preferences

If desired, you can send us information about the below items:

  1. Lab integration: send over a list of any labs that you’d like to integrate with, along with your account numbers. We integrate with a number of national labs and will set up integrations with local labs upon request where possible, but cannot guarantee that integration is an option for your preferred lab(s). But you can always send orders via electronic outgoing fax, and can receive results via integrated incoming fax (if you have opted to have us set up an integrated incoming line for you).
  2. Document types
    • Send a list of the categories/tabs that you want for patient documents. Default categories are: Labs*, Radiology, Consults, Procedures, Misc., Sent*, Invoices.
    • Send a list of the categories/tabs that you want for practice documents (accessed via the My Links menu under Browse My Documents). Default categories are: Fax, Administrative Document, Medical Form, Other, Patient Portal, and Trash*.
    • * indicates categories that are required – others may be changed.
  3. Let us know if there are any custom vitals (common ones include PulseOx, temp., O2Sat) that you want to capture on the patient dashboard page.

Once the basics are in place, we’ll schedule a call to review.


What follows is a very rough estimated timeline – your timeline will depend upon the amount of customization/configuration to be done, your time available for training and configuration calls with us, and what integrated third party services you want.

Week 1

  • Initial Setup: Once you submit your order form we can generally have your server up (with basic configurations and logos) in around 2 days. Once this is done, you can begin using the EMR and Patient Portal (though we generally recommend you wait to get patients on the Portal until further customizations are made).
  • Importing: If you can provide us with spreadsheets of charge-lists, inventory contents, and patient data, we can generally import these for you within the first week, unless it’s a particularly large or difficult import.
  • Fax: We can provision a new integrated incoming fax line and set up integrated outgoing fax for you in 1-3 days. Note that porting an existing number can take much longer – up to 8 weeks for the losing carrier to release the number to us (see the last item on this timeline).

Weeks 2/3

  • Customization: After the basic build is up, building and uploading your custom questionnaires and styling the patient portal to match your website generally takes 1-2 weeks, though it can be more depending on the number and complexity of forms we need to build.
  • Merchant Services: As soon as you have Bluefin or Stripe credentials we can activate POS services in the EMR. This can happen in the first week, but it’s up to you (in conjunction with the processor you’ve chosen) to actually set this up and provide us the API keys. Generally this happens in weeks 2-3.
  • Training & Configuration: This can happen in week 1, but we recommend waiting until you are ready to actually begin using the system. So we’ll generally schedule training to occur just before the go live date, whenever that is. This involves a screen sharing walk through and generally lasts 1 hour+. We may schedule multiple calls to get through everything.

Week 4+

  • Lab Integrations: This piece is highly unpredictable. Depending on which lab partner(s) you’re using, these connections can generally be set up in 1-6 weeks, depending on laboratory practices and policies (average is ~2 weeks, but some labs are notoriously slow). If you need us to connect to a lab which is not yet part of our network we will try to work with them, but the timeline is highly variable (generally several months), and there is the possibility that the lab does not support integration with EMRs. Note that you can always send orders via integrated outgoing fax, and receive results via integrated incoming fax (if included in your build) if electronic lab integration is not available.
  • Round 2 Configuration & Training: Once you’ve been using the EMR and Portal for a while, we like to circle back and have another call to review your configuration settings, as well as have another quick training to help optimize your usage of the EMR.
  • Fax Line (if porting your number): porting an existing number can take up to 8 weeks because the losing carrier has to release the number to us. Your line would still be active during this time (though there may be an hour or two of downtime when the line is actually being transferred).
A patient smiling, thankful he received quality care.

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