Customer story

How We Save Campbell Family Medicine Hundreds of Hours Each Year

Customer #57 became our #1 Fan
A woman running her own clinic, smiling and holding a clipboard


Campbell Family Medicine is a Georgia-based concierge medicine practice that takes pride in providing the best possible care for their patients. They specialize in prevention and wellness, primary care, cardio risk reduction, women’s health, as well as adrenal and thyroid recovery.

At the same time, Natalie Corbin-Ricchiuti (CLE) and Dr. Ellie Campbell (DO) also co-own Revolution Practice, LLC, which is a consulting company that helps healthcare professionals “design innovative practices that bring the joy back to medicine.”

The Challenge

Campbell Family Medicine had struggled for years, trying to find a software solution that would truly work for them. Corbin-Ricchiut said that they had previously tried a number of different EMDs/EHRs, with no success.

Each of these solutions came with their own set of problems. With some, making any changes would annihilate their work elsewhere. Others had cumbersome charting, while others didn’t offer the ability to add supplements to medication tabs, or the option to create a referral database.

“I call them ‘hunky clunky.’ They were all kind of here, there, and everywhere. And you had to open 15 tabs and screens. And you needed two dozen clicks to get to what you want. You couldn’t really personalize them,” said Corbin-Ricchiut.

The Solution

After being frustrated by other solutions, Campbell Family Medicine came to us with their challenges and their list of must-haves. We got right to work.

First and foremost, we trained them on our Chart Parts, which would enable them to quickly populate their encounter note with: 

-Text notes
-Information about the patient
-Suggested actions
-Prescriptions, orders, and supplements
-Alternate plan options
-And even handouts

“I'm in love with Chart Parts. They call me the Chart Part Queen because I create one for everything. If you find that you're saying the same thing over and over and over, just create a Chart Part. Then you just click the little icon. And boom, it populates, and there it is,” said Corbin-Ricchiut.

“We did a little mini calculation once, comparing Cerbo to an older EHR. I won't say the name. But it was hundreds of hours per year that we saved.”

She added that Cerbo’s interface was much more visually appealing and more intuitive to use.

”I'm a visual learner and a visual person. I know it sounds silly, but when I'm looking at my home screen or my patient's demographic page or whatever, I can quickly find what I'm looking for based on the colors.”

The Results

Campbell Family Medicine was definitely one of our early adopters. In fact, they were client #57 in our early days. Since then, Corbin-Ricchiut says she’s become “Cerbo’s #1 fan!”

Dr. Campbell is a Double Board-Certified Physician with clinical interests in family medicine and holistic care. She says the impact of their switch to Cerbo can be felt in a number of ways. 

“This EHR and the way it charts, you can share patient data with other providers for care coordination. Everything is at a glance. You can quickly look at something, and easily identify patients with their photo.”

She added that their integration of Cerbo + Propelr has also been a game changer. 

“We recently switched over to Propelr for merchant processing, which was one of the most beautiful changes we have made with the platform. Patients can make their payments on their own or use a credit card on file. It is so good. One of the best practice decisions we have ever made.”

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A patient smiling, thankful he received quality care.

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