How can we help?

Cerbo’s Support Team is here to support you while you do the work that matters most. Review our help articles, watch a video, or submit a ticket here.

Article Library

View over 120 articles on Cerbo best-practices, common questions, or something else.
View articles

Video Library

Check out our library of helpful videos, walking you through the product, set-up, and other common tasks.
View videos

Get started

Do you have new employees at your clinic? No worries, get them up to speed here.
Get started

Upcoming office hours

Sign up for our upcoming office hours to get answers from our workflow expert on Cerbo topics like patient billing and prescribing.
See our calendar

Still need help?

You can submit a support ticket and we’ll respond within 24-48 hours.

Meet your support team

Our support team combines clinical and technical expertise to help you get the most from Cerbo. With 10 dedicated specialists and growing, we're here to answer your questions!
A group photo of all the Cerbo employees who attended the most recent company retreat

Support policies

Hours of operation

M – F:  7:30 AM PST – 4:00 PM PST

Sat & Sun: on-call after hours

After hours support

After hours support is available Saturday and Sunday for emergencies only at: (541) 391-4600

*Emergencies are downtime, login issues, or e-prescribing issues. Anything else will be handled during normal business hours.

Urgent tickets

Tickets are triaged according to the impact it has on your clinical or business operations.

We make every effort to get you the help you need as efficiently as possible.

Custom work & fees

Occasionally, a request will require a custom solution that needs to be built by our development team. The rate for this work is $150 per hour.

Note: not all custom requests can be accommodated.

Response time for Support Tickets

We aim to have a first response to your (non-urgent) ticket within 1-2 business days.

We expect to improve this further as we grow our team.

Past support webinar recordings

coming soon!
We keep recordings of our past webinars and office hours. You can find them on our Videos page and filtering by webinars.

Frequently asked questions

Does Cerbo have lab integrations?
Please review our update log! This is where you can see details on all previous releases, with links to resources and help articles on our new features.
I submitted a feature request, what's the status of it?
Thank you for your idea!   Feature requests are submitted to our product backlog until it either meets the needs of our roadmap strategy and/or benefits a considerable amount of our entire customer base. We ask you to consider that not all feature requests will be accepted or qualify as a good fit for Cerbo.

Please note: The Support Team will not provide ongoing status updates on feature requests.
If I bring on new staff members, how do I get them up to speed on Cerbo?
We’re happy you’re expanding your team! Please refer to our article and video libraries to get them started. Your clinic staff should be the best resource to train new employees on the specific workflows you utilize at your clinic. Cerbo is not responsible for training new clinical staff members. However, if there are specific questions from the online help provided, please submit a ticket and we can assist.
I have questions about my invoice from Cerbo – how do I get answers?
Please send an email to and someone from our billing team will get back to you.
A patient smiling, thankful he received quality care.

Focus on your patients.
We'll handle the rest.

Take the final step towards enhancing your medical practice by trying out the free Cerbo demo or scheduling a personalized demo. Join thousands of satisfied healthcare practitioners using our EHR solution.