Manage your practice with ease

Not only is Cerbo a powerful tool for charting and for patient communication, but it also has a number of useful features to help practices run smoothly and efficiently.
Two nurses smiling
Dashboard mockup


Cerbo  has a full calendar and scheduling dashboard that makes it simple to manage patient appointments, provider on-call schedules, patient reminders, and tasks.
The scheduling dashboard allows users to have a concise snapshot view of everything current in the system, including upcoming appointments, tasks, and patient portal requests. The calendar view and task lists can be sorted by person, giving a practice-wide, partial, or individual view of the schedule as needed. Configurable appointment types are color-coded, making it easy to see at-a-glance what’s coming.

Charge list

Billing starts with your custom charge list of the services you provide, and products that you sell.
You can set different charges by discounted versus non-discounted patient groups, or even by provider type. Charges are added to a patient’s account using the smart search box provided, where you can type all or part of the charge name, nickname(s) and associated code(s) in any order. Before you add the charge, you’ll have the option to add or edit the charge information.
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Dashboard mockup

Payments & credit card processing

Cerbo uses charges that you enter to streamline bill pay, populating pre-filled invoices and other billing documentation with the click of a button.
For direct-pay practices or anyone who needs to be able to accept payments on the spot, we also support embedded credit card processing with Propelr, Bluefin, or Stripe. We don’t charge for merchant services – you pay only what your merchant services provider charges for credit card transactions, and then you can charge patient credit cards or issue credit card refunds directly from the EHR. You can even opt to give patients the ability to pay bills via the Patient Portal. With integrated credit card processing, you know right away whether a charge went through, and can easily review your transaction history.


For direct pay and concierge clinics, Cerbo supports automatic recurring subscription payments.
Patients add a credit card and payments automatically deduct each month, reducing your administrative burden. Additionally Cerbo has an integration with Hint Health, allowing for users to use Hint for their automated Subscription Billing and synching patient data between the two platforms.
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Billing reports

Cerbo’s billing reporting functions generate billing reports suitable for sending to a third party billing service or for internal practice management and administration.
You can easily limit billing reports by type of service, provider, date range, paid/unpaid, and more, getting a clear picture of the practice’s financial status, as well as potential opportunities for improvement.

Robust reporting

Using Cerbo’s built-in reporting functionality tool you can easily track billing, practice growth, practitioner activity, and generate a wide variety of patient and practice reports
Some examples of Cerbo’s reports include:
  • How much the practice billed in a given time period, both in terms of the number and aggregate amount of charges
  • The number of patients registered over a certain period, so that you can evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts or compare practice growth rates at different times
  • The number of patients who are active in the practice, based on metrics that you specify
  • How much individual providers billed, and what types of visits they did, in a given time period
  • Which patients in the practice share demographic characteristics, diagnoses, or prescriptions
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Inventory management

Cerbo makes it easy to manage supplements, Rxs, and supplies that you sell in-house.
Cerbo’s inventory management system tracks quantity stocked, quantity remaining, expiration date, price, wholesale cost, and Rx lot numbers and NDCs. The option to dispense from inventory automatically appears when you prescribe something that you have in stock. For Rxs that you dispense by the pill, you can use the Rx label generator and the option to add both per pill and dispense charges.
Dispense logs help you track inventory by patient, inventory item, batch/lot, or date. Restocking your inventory is a breeze, with restocking values that pre-populate from your most-recently-used instance of the specific inventory item.

Task management

Integrated task management helps to ensure that important tasks stay on the radar and that nothing falls through the cracks.
Cerbo’s integrated task management system helps practices triage incoming faxes, messages, and requests, as well as manage internal tasks and reminders. Tasks can be assigned to any user and may have a set due date – with or without a prominent pop up reminder set – or can sit on the list until marked as complete. Staff can review their own or other users’ task lists, and annotate, re-assign, and mark as complete, making it possible to manage to-do lists for the practice in one interface.
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A patient smiling, thankful he received quality care.

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We'll handle the rest.

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