Spring, 2022 Updates

Patient Portal

Family/ shared patient portal access. In the Relationships block, users can grant a patient access to their relative’s Patient Portal account. A parent who has been granted access to their child’s Patient Portal can login to their own account and toggle between their own portal and their child’s. This can also be used for a parent to be able to easily toggle between multiple children’s portal accounts.

In the Questionnaire Manager, users can designate which questionnaires should cause a nudge/ alert to show on the Patient Portal if the forms are not yet completed. That nudge/ alert shows as an exclamation mark on the Forms/ Questionnaires page of the portal. And causes the questionnaire Start button to appear larger and in red on the Questionnaires page.

Patients can set their contact preferences/ opt out under My Account Details on the Patient Portal. And users can update patients’ contact preferences under Patient Information in their chart. This information is for reference only on the clinic side. It does not affirmatively block things like appointment notification messages or other notifications from the EHR. The information can also be used when generating an email list or other patient list from the Advanced Patient Search.

The My Medications page on the Patient Portal shows the date that each medication was most recently prescribed (instead of just the expiration date).

Significant improvements to the CAPTCHA check on patient registration form and contact support form. This should help prevent spam/ bot registrations.

Scheduling & Tasks

Patients can click a button to confirm their appointment from the appointment email or SMS. There is a new text variable that can be used in the default appointment notification or reminder(s) that will include a confirmation link in the message. When the patient clicks on the link, it will change the status of their appointment in the calendar to Confirmed.

Users can now set the default appointment status for their appointments by appointment type under Admin > Manage > Schedule Types.

Current time line added to the calendar in day-view.

Circle indicator added in the patient’s chart just below the Scheduling menu to indicate that they have an upcoming appointment. And just below the Tasks menu to indicate that they have open tasks.

In the patient’s task history, completed tasks will show the most recent at the top.

If a tag is set to show when scheduling the patient, and to show the tag notes on the patient’s chart (at the bottom of the Patient Information block), then the tag notes will also show when scheduling a patient with that tag.

Users can now print or export the patient’s schedule and task history.

Charges & Payment Processing

Patients can now add their ACH payment information securely via the Patient Portal. This is only available with Bluefin, and the clinic must first set up an ACH billing account with Bluefin.

Option to apply discount to multiple charges/ all charges in an encounter note. There is now an option to Apply Discount when hovering over the Charges/ Payments box in an encounter note. And when checking multiple charges in the Billing history and using the Manage Checked drop down menu. This applies the discount individually to all charges in the encounter note, or to all of the checked charges, as applicable.

Bluefin payment transactions will now try to automatically send AVS details when processing, which may result in a lower merchant services transaction charge.

New configuration option to show the charge description (as set in the Charge List) to appear on the service receipt. To enable this, please reach out to Cerbo support.

Users can now set the expiration date for multiple estimated charges that are being added to estimated charges as part of a group charge. This is done by adding the expiration date for the topmost estimated charge in the group, and clicking the “Apply this Expiration to All” button that appears.

The last 4 digits of the credit card used to make a payment now show with that payment on the patient statement.

Clinics with multiple builds that are all using a single Stripe account can have Stripe webhooks only apply to the appropriate build.


3-4 participant telemedicine is now available. This is enabled by specific request to Cerbo support, and is a higher price per provider/ user.

Significant improvements to telemedicine/ video calling, including the addition of the (typing) chat option, as well as improved camera and microphone selection.

The integrated document scanner includes additional options, including the abilities to delete a scan without saving it and to assign the document as Needs Review.

When looking at sent faxes with one or more attached documents, there are now links to the attached documents themselves at the top of the sent fax form.

Charting/ Plan/ Medical History

Providers with DEA numbers in multiple states now have an option to select which DEA number to send under when e-prescribing.

Improvements/ additions to the printable encounter summary in the EHR. The encounter summary now includes future orders and includes the dose and site for vaccines. It also shows not only the medications and supplements that were prescribed at the visit, but also all other active medications and supplements under a header of “Continue taking,” and a section called “Discontinue” that lists all medications or supplements that were discontinued at that visit.

When cloning an encounter note, the date-stamp at the top of the body of the note, if it exists, is updated to match the date/ time that the note was cloned. Previously, the structured date of service would update, but the date shown at the top of the note’s text area would remain as the original date.

New text variables for Chart Parts to insert (1) a list of the patient’s overdue vaccinations, (2) the patient’s email address. Text variables for Chart Parts can be found in the Add/ Edit Chart Part window by clicking on Show Available Variables.

A new configuration setting is available to suppress all headers for all Chart Part variables. So, for example, [[pt_rxs]] would just pull in the patient’s current medications, without the header CURRENT MEDICATIONS. This allows for the user to create their own headings in the way that they want within the context of their Chart Part template.

When hovering over the name of a lab in the lab order search, the hover over information now includes associated charge details, where applicable.

When dispensing medications from inventory, the label will now include “Dispensed by” and the dispensing user’s name.

When a user selects the option to route (eRx or efax) all medications from an encounter note, discontinued medications will be automatically omitted.

The Medications & Supplements block on the patient’s chart can now accommodate up to 3 additional tabs for displaying additional categories of custom Alternate Plan item.

The Wellness Plan now shows the full structured sig of prescribed medications.

For Health Maintenance rules that apply based on diagnosis codes, users can now use * as a wildcard character to include whole categories/ groups of diagnoses. For example, E10.* would mean that any code that starts with E10. would trigger that rule to apply.

The printable/ faxable encounter note (to send to another provider, for example), now shows more details for medications and supplements that were prescribed in that note.

When signing a note, there is now an option to send the encounter summary notification email to the patients primary and secondary email addresses.

Improvements to vitals:

  • The BMI calculation no longer requires a new/ corresponding height measurement for adult patients, but will use the most recent past height measurement with the most recent weight measurement.
  • Improvements to growth curves and pediatric vital calculations.
  • Past head circumference measurements will continue to show for patients who have head circumference readings on file, even after they “age out” of having head circumference show as a vital (age 3).

Minor changes to the way rx refill requests from pharmacies are interpreted to improve the mapping to medications in the Cerbo drug database.

Frequency and order date of IV orders is now shown on encounter summaries.

Prescribers can delegate efax prescribing authority (not just eRx prescribing authority) to other users by hovering over their initials in the top menu and clicking on Rx Delegation

For practices that document hormone pelleting, the settings used for the first pellet added to an encounter note (site, type of anesthetic, type of bandage, insertion notes) will automatically carry forward to additional pellets added to the same encounter note.

Improvements to the printable vaccine chart.

Lab and Other Integrations

Structured lab data that is received via a lab integration will be treated as if it is numeric (for graphing and tracking purposes) even if the lab did not send it marked as “numeric” data.

In the send to LabCorp window (accessible only for clinics that are using the LabCorp integration), users are barred from entering Notes to Lab longer than 61 characters (LabCorp’s limit).

New integrations:

Non-Financial Reporting

The Advanced Patient Search can be used to bulk-tag matching patients. Clinic administrators (any user with Superadmin permissions) can run the Advanced Patient Search (filtered search), and then bulk-apply a tag to patients who match the selected search filters.

You can now Save your Advanced Patient Search filters to be able to quickly and easily re-run the same search in the future. This is useful, for example, where you want to regularly run a report to see Prospective patients added prior to a certain date, who have not yet scheduled any appointment, or Active Patients who have not been seen in a certain period of time, so that you can mark them as Inactive status. Or for any detailed filtered searches that you want to re-use in the future.

The Advanced Patient Search includes filters for patient contact preferences/ opt-in, and allows users to search for patients who lack certain address info.

Chart Parts can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet under Admin > Manage > Chart Parts.

Audit Prescription Actions (under the Admin menu) now includes the ability to export to CSV and highlights medications that were prescribed but not sent during a specific period of time.

New report on Schedule Utilization under Reporting > Non-Financial Reports. This will show the percentage of providers’ availability that was utilized/ booked in a given date range, based on the providers’ work schedules and scheduled appointments.

Raw eRx logs are now available by right-clicking on the route for that entry in the Sent tab of the patient’s Documents block.

Financial Reporting & Inventory

Minor fix to the margin calculations on the Income Report and Allocation Summary Report.

The Undispensed Inventory Sales report has an option to show or hide products that are out of stock, and displays the relevant inventory item charges.

Corrections to the Month by Month Revenue report to correctly account for $0 charges.

When bulk restocking inventory (by checking the boxes beside multiple inventory items and selecting Restock from the Manage Checked dropdown menu) users can now restock a negative number, decreasing the number in inventory.

The inventory spreadsheet export now includes a column that shows stock that is pending, based on open Purchase Orders.

Bug-fix on the Revenue per Patient report to allow multi-location clinics to filter by location.

Insurance Billing

For insurance billing, a new place of service code 10 is now available for use with specific telemedicine visit types.

Data sync to OPS improvements.

Cerbo-generated EDI files can now have the date formatted as D8 or RD8.

User Management

System administrators can now restore deleted user accounts, allowing for re-activating the user account of an employee who left and then returned, for example.

When adding or editing a user, certain roles now require clarifying/ additional information.

For many forms that allow provider signatures to be applied, the list of available signatures is filtered to show only those users or resources that were active at the time of that document or encounter.

API/ Webhooks

Clinics utilizing webhooks can now manage their own webhooks. The webhooks management tool in the EHR allows users to designate what URL to send webhooks to, and what webhooks they want to send.

New API endpoints to:

  • Manage appointment types.
  • Manage inventory.
  • Add height, weight, and blood pressure readings for a patient.
  • Manage the laboratory facilities contact book (found under Admin > Manage > Laboratories).

When returning work schedules via the API, an additional property includes a list of what appointment types are included in that work schedule.

The API supports additional properties for adding or editing patients.

Any charges that are disabled or deleted in the EHR are marked as disabled when the charge definitions are retrieved via the API.

Security & Performance

Improved security in the EHR (content security rules).

Some of the Admin > Manage screens have been paginated to improve loading time.

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