Winter, 2022/2023 Updates

Winter, 2022 Updates

Patient Portal

New options added on the Patient Portal under My Account Details for patients to add their Driver’s License information (number and state), and upload photos/ scans of their Driver’s License and Insurance Card. The images are stored in the photos section of their chart, found by clicking on the pencil icon at the top right of the patient’s profile picture in their chart. The Driver’s License number and state are stored in the main page of their Patient Information.

New checkbox on the My Medications and My Supplements pages of the Patient Portal for the patient to indicate that they are not taking any medications or supplements, respectively. And on the My Allergies page for them to indicate no known drug allergies. That means there can now be a nudge/ alert/ exclamation mark set up for My Medications and My Supplements, where an exclamation mark is shown on that menu item if they have not entered anything or checked the box to indicate that it is not applicable.

New configuration option to globally disable patients from sending secure messages.

Improved ADA accessibility on the Patient Portal.

In the Questionnaire Manager, you can set a “nudge/ alert” for a specific questionnaire in the patient portal whenever the questionnaire is set to show for the specific patient, even if they have completed it before. Previously, the nudge could only be based on whether the patient had ever completed/ submitted it. Adding the option to nudge each time the questionnaire is shown to that patient is helpful for forms that should be re-completed on a regular basis.

Patients can now set their own timezone directly in the patient portal. That adjustment takes effect immediately and does not require review/ acceptance on the clinic side.

New configuration option (available by request) to allow patients to request medication refills for “administrative” medications, e.g., for medications that are prescribed by another provider and recorded as patient-reported in their chart.

Patient BMI is now shown for every weight reading on the Patient Portal, using the most recent height reading if there isn’t a height reading for the same date. Previously, BMI would only be shown for dates where both a height and weight reading were recorded.

There is the option to allow patients to see and edit their Gender Identity via the My Account Details page of the Patient Portal. This is a configurable option that is off by default. So you can reach out to Cerbo support to turn this on for your patients.

Auto-archive settings for requests coming into the Patient Portal Queue (under Pt Portal > Pt Portal Queue Settings) can now only be managed by users with “Superadmin” permissions.

Scheduling & Tasks

A “Next Available Appointment Finder” was added to the EHR calendar page. This tool allows the user to filter by provider(s), appointment type(s), and date range to find availability. For more information, there is a short (13 min) video that reviews this new feature.

Improvements to the appointment waitlist, including adding the ability to search for a specific patient within the waitlist. And when an appointment is added for a patient with an open waitlist request, it now shows the option to close that waitlist request in the Add Appointment window.

Tasks can now be deleted from the Edit Task window.

For multi-location clinics, the appointment tracking board only shows checked-in appointments for the location that the user is currently logged into. And the patient’s Upcoming Appointments report (from the patient’s chart, under Scheduling) now shows their appointment locations.

For clinics that use the Zoom integration, the appointment telemedicine link is now shown along with the upcoming appointment information on the patient portal.

The “click to confirm your appointment” link in the reminder SMS message, if used, is now shown in a short link format, rather than a long URL.

Charges & Payment Processing

In the patient’s billing history, the total balance due on outstanding installments is shown for any charge that is set up on a Payment Plan.

Voiding a charge with associated sales tax will now void, rather than delete, the associated sales tax line.

Voided charges now show the original charge amount without having to hover the mouse cursor over the charge.

Calculators added to the Add New Medication to Inventory window to be able to (1) calculate the clinic’s cost per dose based on the number in “How Many Doses?” and the total cost for the order, and (2) Calculate the charge per dose based on the number in “Your cost per dose” and a set markup that you specify.

For inventory charges that were dispensed from inventory for a patient, hovering the mouse over the charge in the patient’s billing history now shows dispense details, including the dispense locations.

If a practice NPI is defined, any HCFA forms that are generated will show the practice NPI (rather than the provider NPI) as the billing entity.

“Paypal” removed as a Payment Method in the Add Payment window. This didn’t link to Paypal for billing via that platform, but was just for recording payments taken via Paypal, if applicable. “Other” can be used as a catch all for payments that are taken via some other system outside the EHR. Or reach out to Cerbo support if you regularly have patients pay via Paypal and want this added back in for your build.

The patient’s payment allocation history window now includes a printable view. The payment allocation history (and printable view option) is accessed by expanding the patient’s billing history, then clicking on Edit/ View Allocations, and shows all payments in that chart, and which charges the payments are allocated towards.

For clinics with multiple Bluefin accounts integrated, there is now the option to have payments that are made on the Patient Portal processed under different merchant accounts, depending on the patient’s tag or primary assigned provider. This would be set up by sending a request with full details to Cerbo support.


There is now a client-portal, which is accessible to users with Superadmin permissions via single-sign on from your EHR! Superadmins can access this by hovering over the question mark in the top menu of the EHR, and selecting the Client Portal.  Currently, this portal is for:

  1. Adding details about your clinic. These details may be used in the future for an opt-in intra client directory and/ or for Cerbo’s reference to understand which new features would have the most impact, given the clinics that we serve.
  2. Clinics to indicate their most-wanted features on our future improvements wishlist. This will help Cerbo to prioritize future improvements.
  3. View lab integration status and request additional lab integrations.

For those that use the Twilio integration, you now have the option to send the patient an SMS notification of a new secure message.

Improved interface for selecting additional documents to attach from the document faxing page.

Patient Information

For patient charts that have been protected/ locked (which is done under the Preferences menu), the locked screen prominently shows who locked the chart and when, to allow for appropriate follow up questions if needed.

A patient’s nickname is now visible by default on the patient information block.

In the patient’s vitals history, their past BMI readings are shown in descending chronological order (most recent first).

A bug was fixed in the Add Vitals window (where multiple different vitals can be added at once) so that all of the vitals notes fields notes are saved.

The multi-document uploader now allows for setting the documents’ subfolders.

The patient’s Health Maintenance block now shows “Not Recorded” for any that have not yet had a date recorded, versus “Never,” (which would seem to indicate definitively that the patient has never had that done).

You can now delete facility listings from your contact book(s) in Cerbo (under Admin > Manage > Laboratories, Radiology Lab Listings, and Specialists/ Other Listings). Deleting a facility listing from your contact book(s) WILL remove it from the applicable patients’ preferred Facilities/ Specialists. The delete window will tell you if it is preferred for any patients. And you can generate a report of all patients for whom it is preferred from the Manage Facilities window.

On the patient’s printable vitals graphs, the numeric readings are now shown in tabular format on the graph itself.

Hovering over a Health Maintenance tracker on the patient’s chart now displays the description of the tracker in a hover over bubble.

Charting/ Prescribing/ Plan

2023 ICD-10 codes updated into Cerbo, along with common-word search term mapping. And adjusted logic was added to prevent disabled/ inactive diagnostic codes from being inadvertently re-added.

Additional improvements to pediatric growth charts, including printing the numeric readings and percentiles on the printable growth chart.

Adjusted logic for ordering previous/ suggested diagnoses when hovering over the Assessment box in an encounter note.

The faxable/ printable/ saveable encounter note now differentiates visually between medications that have been stopped and those that were recorded as Admin/ patient-reported.

The printable encounter summary now shows the full medication sig information.

The Wellness Plan now includes the prescription medication frequency.

New chart part variables. [[pt_gender]] inserts the value from the Gender Identity field in the Patient Information. [[pt_growth_percentiles]] inserts the most recent height, weight, BMI, and head circumference percentiles for the patient in the appropriate scale for each vital based on the patient’s age when the reading was recorded.

Minor changes to character encoding for encounter notes should result in more consistent display and fewer problems with special characters in encounter notes.


The eRx Refills block on the Calendar Page now includes the option to task an eRx request over to another user.

Manually-added medications can now be deleted, even if they have been added in patient charts. Deleting the medication will not remove it from any patient charts.

Certain quantity units of measure (QUOMs) have been retired by Surescripts. We’ve re-mapped most of these forms, so you should not see any impact on your prescribing.

E-prescriptions now automatically include the patient’s email address in the message to the pharmacy.

ERx cancellation messages are clearly designated as cancelled eRxs, both in the eRx logs and in the patient’s Sent documents tab.

Significant improvements to the medication replacement functionality when processing electronic refill requests.

There is now the ability to see the full details of the official e-prescribable (NCPDP-linked) pharmacy under Admin > Manage > Pharmacies. And to unlink a pharmacy there if it was incorrectly mapped so that it can be re-mapped to the correct pharmacy.

Third Party Integrations

The Active Campaign integration now syncs additional fields from Cerbo to Active Campaign for the patient’s subscription (Bluefin only) and the appointment date and time that is furthest in the future. Additionally, you can now opt to use fields in Active Campaign that include both the date and the time for appointment date fields. Finally, you can select which of the available fields actually syncs over the Active Campaign under Admin > Manage > Integrations. And can choose to limit the information that is synched to protect patients’ privacy/ limit HIPAA exposure, including it to sync just the patient’s last initial, omitting the year of birth from the patient’s DOB, or just synching the patient’s birth month rather than the DOB.

Integration with QHN health information exchange to access lab results and encounter notes sent by third parties. These are shown in the Imported Lab Results block.

Integration with Bamboo Health to provide state PDMP integrations and allow providers to easily check PDMP scores directly in the prescribing workflow.

Integration with Apollo Health for streamlined reporting for Bredesen Protocol ReCODE and PreCODE participants.

Reporting integration with the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS) to be able to report vaccinations that you administer to the state.

For all ADT syncs (QHN, integrations with insurance billing platforms), the outbound HL7 message from Cerbo to the external system now includes the patient’s email address.

Lab Integrations

LabCorp requisitions found under the Sent documents tab in the patient’s chart now include links to the ABN and specimen collection guide, where applicable at the time of ordering, rather than having to re-transmit the order to the lab to re-generate/ view those documents.

Formatting improvements to the LabCorp requisitions that are shown to the patient on the Patient Portal.

The Payment options in the Vibrant America ordering interface are now restricted to those payment options supported by Vibrant.

When transmitting more than 35 orders to Quest via the electronic integration, a warning is shown indicating that there is a higher likelihood that some tests may be missed on the lab side. This is because above that number, a manual transcription process is required on the lab side, which increases the chance for errors to occur.

When sending Cleveland Heartlab orders via the electronic integration, the patient’s fasting status can now be set in bulk.

Rayus Radiology no longer requires insurance information on file to transmit the order electronically.

With the CPL integration, if the person transmitting the order doesn’t have an NPI number on file, the patient’s primary provider (if specified) will be automatically selected as the ordering provider.

New lab integrations:
  • Bi-directional integration with CoreLAB Diagnostics.
  • Bi-directional integration with Helix Diagnostics.
  • Bi-directional integration with Intermountain Healthcare.
  • Bi-directional integration with Northern Plains Lab.
  • Bi-directional integration with Premier Medical Laboratory Services.

Non-Financial Reporting

The Inserted Pellets Report now shows the number of pellets inserted on the printable report, without having to export it to spreadsheet.

E-prescription logs show not only the person who sent the prescription, but also who a prescription was routed under if it was sent by someone with delegated prescribing authority.

Several reports will now default to showing the patient’s mobile number instead of their home number if no preferred number is designated.

The Calendar Report found under the Scheduling menu now includes the patient’s primary provider on both the print view and the spreadsheet export.

Option added to the printable Calendar Report to “Convert to Labels,” which creates labels for all of the appointments shown on the report.

Additional columns added to the Advanced Patient Search results when exported to spreadsheet, including Gender (as distinct from Sex).

New report to easily view all saved medication prescribing/ dosing profiles.

The Rx Audit Report (under Reporting > Non-Financial Reports) shows additional data when exported, including whether and how the prescription was routed.

Financial Reporting

New Bluefin-only subscription report, accessed via Reporting > Recurring Invoices shows all subscriptions that were added or cancelled within a specific date range.

Voided charges are excluded from the Sales Frequency by Charge report.

Clinics using Enter Health for insurance billing can run a report to see/ audit which claims have been sent from Cerbo to Enter.

The Charges Added Check report now shows the notes, if any, that were added for a charge in the patient’s chart when hovering the mouse cursor over the charge in the report.

There was a bug fix for the End of Day/ Week/ Month Report to fix incorrect margin calculations in some cases.

Reimbursify claims report can now be exported.

API/ Webhooks

Outbound webhooks now support a variety of new security headers.

When uploading documents using the API, requires_review can be set to -1, meaning that the document needs to be reviewed and checking the Needs Review checkbox accordingly to put the document on the For Review task list.

New API endpoints for fetching, removing, or adding patient facilities (preferred pharmacies, laboratories, imaging facilities, and specialists).

New logic for the API allows for the insertion of duplicate patients by including a specific flag/ argument in the API call.

New API endpoint to mark medications as discontinued for the patient.

There is now an API endpoint to allow editing of existing tasks via the API. Previously, the API could only be used to add new tasks, or to fetch existing tasks.

The API image endpoints were updated to accept the new image categories for Driver’s License and Insurance Cards. And a new parameter was added to fetch the full size/ original image.

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